I think I was anxious yesterday regading going to the D'Amour Cancer Center for the first time for blood work. I was an emotional day for me, plus I met with some cancer survivors last evening and had a glimpse into their stories of their journey to where they are now.
I think once I was there the emotional aspect finally lifted because I was no longer alone on the journey myself. There were people there too who had these issues themselves. I want to think also of the other aspect too, that of faith and what I experienced personally and not feel so alone in that regard but that is another story altogether.
I also had a knee injection yesterday which has put my blood sugars level out of control for a few days. I suppose this is a good time to fast and surpase the ten pounds I have already lost since this has all began. A good loss for better health. Much better to maintain blood sugar and weight management to aid in healing.
Out of all this that has come about I continue to contemplate the day I saw our Lord and everything that has occured since then. The dreams, the music that came at odd times, but most especially walking right thru the Spirit of God in the early morning hours. The host pulsating on my tongue those selects times to reinforce his presence in the Eucharist and to aid in my belief in what has already occured. I am no one special except in the eyes of God and that being chosen for his Son. I sometimes wonder about the Religious life, yet the obstacles occur and then I realize I have my vocation as one with the Dominicans, their otherwise known as Third Order Dominicans but officially known as Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic. An order I am glad to be part of since saying "yes" to the calling. I also have these pictures that need to be shown but have no idea about going about it. I had that one oppertunity when they were shown on a large screen and that worked out wonderfully, especially seeing God speak in the video while the music is playing in the background. I'm not the only one who has seen this, this is the truth.
So from all that is taking place my faith is tatamount to what is occuring. I can never ignore what I was given not for a moment. Somehow it is important in these tumultous times. God's and Jesus presence is needed far more than ever.
Definition of a Martyr
18 hours ago
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