What does one do on days when reading can be nearly impossible or focusing on ideas or whats going on in life? For me the answer is prayer. Not the routine prayers but soul deep prayers that speak with the heart. Having this time during recuperation gave me deeper moments of spending time with our Lord and Blessed Mother especially when I have been unable to drive myself or be out for very long periods without extreme tiredness.
Giving myself to their love and care has opened up so much about my faith with this trial I am undergoing. It's not easy to forget what has happened or what will happen next but I am sure that with God's love he will get me through it. Always remembering that it's not about me but about God and his love for mankind. His giving up his own son for our salvation keeps me forever in His debt even when mine is haywire but the price is worth it, that of following Jesus with all my heart, mind and soul and body. I am his and his alone.
Who Watches the Watchers
18 hours ago
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