These photos are not all in chronological order. I throroughly enjoyed the ride to the mountains and spending quality time with our Lady and Jesus in quiet contemplation and solitude. Those are the days when drawing from the well spring of God's love always comes shining through. Like how a retreat refreshes the soul that thirsts for the Word of God in guidance and reflection. When I spend moments in quiet contemplation and solitude I reflect on the many times Jesus did the same when he would leave the apostles behind and go up the mountain to place himself in the hands of God. To unburden and refresh himself from all those he ministered to. When I received an e mail about being Alone with God, I had to think about the contents of it.
Today's travels were exactly what was needed to bring the results of that message. It was tough reading material, but at a time when the world can often invade a soul and evil attempts to destroy the peace of God within. Such as when material possesions seem to take over lives. The harmony that is part of living in God goes off balance. Those reflective journeys can often be consolations when it is done seeking the will of God for the greater glory of his love and his kingdom.
Last night I was cleaning out my favorites and checking out some dead links and came across a song that Gabrielle found, it is the one called "I, the Lord" by Tom Kendzia. The moment I heard it brought back so much truth to what I have experienced and what I have denied myself about. As I listened to that song I had to realize that in this journey I have learned and grown about the love of God in a very personal way. He captivated my heart as a friend, a husband. And I love him with all my heart. I will follow him always. I gladly take his hand and walk by his side.
Covered bridge on Rte 30 outside of Brattleboro, Vermont.

Our Lady of Ephesus, House of Prayer, Jamaica, Vermont.

Our Lady of Ephesus, House of Prayer, Jamaica, Vermont.

Now that's a beautiful view of the mountains in the distance with the Cross in the foreground.

Placque at the entrance to the replica.

Interior view of the entrance from the Altar.

A beautiful Icon of our Lady and Jesus.

Exterior view of the Replica of the House of Ephesus.

The interior side room where the Bible is open to Ephesians.

View from the side room.

Front view of the Replica.

The Altar with a Statue of Mary.
2 Words of Wisdom:
I remember that song, mc!
What a wonderful and peaceful day you must have had. Everything you took photos of is so beautiful - the replica of the house, the icon, the altar, the mountains. I'm happy that you were able to get away and have this quiet time.
Me too gabrielle, those day trips usually end up refreshing and renewing.
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