One thing about contemplation and solitude it allows the heart to know the calling of the Beloved. When I was looking up some stuff I came across an article of
Silence and solitude that had me thinking about those occasional day trips where the beauty of contemplation and reflection are a must in our hectic lives. To take time to give ourselves totally to keeping our hearts purified. A time where we can let ourselves get closer to God without listening to the television or radio. The solitude at times helps us to reconnect to God in a busy world. Like spending moments in a Church in front of the Blessed Sacrament, even then we are not always alone with God. We have many distractions that take away in the solitude of our hearts. What does our heart seek to follow, what desires propel us to go after what we want. I know mine are the wants of God, peace in a world torn by strife. A world lost without love. My sights and my heart are set upon God and his kingdom always.
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