November 24, 2007

Light Within

It is a joy to live in our Lord's footsteps. Living in imitation of his ways and letting the Word be a source of strength. It's like a Breath of Heaven. Whenever I ponder the daily Gospel I am always struck anew with it. There is a lot of truth to God's Word. When many things began to come about in my life, His Word began to come alive. How can it be possible to find life in God's Word, easy when we open our minds, hearts and souls to it. When we actually die to what the world offers each and everyday. To make a conscious choice to follow Jesus and God's Word in our life. It is then that we have put God first in our life.

His will is very important to living life in Him, we will not go wrong when we live such a way. After all, He wants the very best for us and for that to happen we need to turn ourselves over to His care. He provides everything that we need in our day to live. And our argument with Him is always seeking more than we need. When I died to myself I found that I only wanted to seek His Will above my own. To want what He wanted rather than what I wanted or needed. I turned to Him in all that I do. Not a moment in my day goes by without Him in thought. After all He is my treasure, He is the love of my life and I love others just as equally. It is His abundant love for me that enables me to love in such a way. Just as His forgiveness is great, so should my forgiveness be also to those who need my forgiveness as much as I need theirs.

He teaches us so much yet we never seem to put it into play in our lives. Why? Are we afraid that once we die to ourselves we won't have life anymore. Not in the same way, but in a much better way our life becomes lighter and buoyant. In a sense we begin to shine as the sun that shines within us. Imagine that.

2 Words of Wisdom:

Anonymous said...

Lovely reflection..

Marie Cecile said...

Thank you Jackie

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