For the Lamb, which is in the midst of the throne, shall rule them, and shall lead them to the fountains of the waters of life, and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.Rev 7:17
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There was a brief moment when this song title interiorly came about. The words Lift High the Cross was remarkable. Thank you Holy Spirit for the words. Here are the lyrics to the song.
Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim, Till all the world adore his sacred name.
1. Come, brethren follow where our Savior trod, Our King victorious, Christ, the Son of God.
2. Led on their way by this triumphant sign, The hosts of God I conqu'ring ranks combine
3. O Lord, once lifted on the glorious tree, As thou hast promised, draw men unto thee.
4. Thy kingdom come, that earth's despair may cease Beneath the shadow of its healing peace.
5. For thy blest cross which doth for us atone, creation's praises rise before thy throne.
This is one of my favorite hymns to sing at mass. So joyful and triumphant. I belt it out as loud as I can in His honor. Now thanks to your blog post I will be humming it (and probably singing it out loud, too) all day today.
2 Words of Wisdom:
This is one of my favorite hymns to sing at mass. So joyful and triumphant. I belt it out as loud as I can in His honor. Now thanks to your blog post I will be humming it (and probably singing it out loud, too) all day today.
I did the same thing all day yesterday after this delightful song was known. It lifted up the heart and the prayers. Glad it made your day.
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