While visiting my dad in the hospital, I had an unusual opportunity to speak with his roomate. The man had his laptop with him so our conversation had many topics about the many uses of the internet. We broached on the subject of writing, his many topics and my particular reason for writing. This was the first time when speaking about Faith I was careful about how I spoke of Heaven and God, not knowing where his faith was in. The gentleman had different types of holistic medications on his tray plus the way he had mentioned his out of body experience and near death at one point had me keeping things on a different level. He did see things in a new way regarding faith after I explained the possible about his near death and it being a form of evangelization and then what he spoke to me about writing made things a lot clearer for me. I had mentioned how some people come into our lives to learn and discover something to help us on our journey. It was all very interesting, and I came away from it learning something new myself.
Anyway, my dad is doing a bit better since he was rushed to the hospital on Thursday. Now it's my mom who isn't doing so well. Since my dad went in, she has become very tired and run down, almost as if she is catching a cold. The few nights have been sleepless ones for her, due to worry and much pain from the walking she has had to do. She doesn't want to use a wheelchair if she can help it, but then that puts her in more pain and suffering. Her faith gets her through the rough spots.
Faith seems to get us through so much more. I have found from all this a renewed sense of peace in caring for them. Like this morning getting ready for work, something odd happened, a knock on the window. I went outside to take a look and no one was there. So I thought it was one of the tiny birds that may have hit. Except the sound was a strong knock, not a sound a bird makes hitting the window. We have had that before and none sounded quite like that. Well off to work and sitting at a different desk placed me in perfect view of the main hallway outside our room. For some reason I sat there to be closer to the windows where it was much brighter and I needed that light this morning. After some time had passed I happened to glance up to see a figure in white going down the hallway to go out the main door. No sound of the door opening. I mentioned it to the two co-workers if there was anyone else in the building, but no one was there.
Again, it was a moment where talk was of something other than faith, the talk of ghosts was among them. So I said I don't believe in ghosts, but I do believe in angels and saints. My co-workers have different views. It's an amazing world we live in when peoples views are far away from God. One thing I am absolutely glad about is the faith I have in God to be able to even mention my faith even when moments such as this morning are not on the normal but on the spiritual level. Those who have little faith have little understanding of the greatness God provides it seems too unreal for them to even understand the depths that God goes to to give us so much to believe in.
Attending the Legatus National Summit
1 day ago
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