December 18, 2008


The first photo I took of the image I saw on the Eucharist at the beginning of January (correction should be February of 2004) 2004 in the early morning hours of the day. I wasn't prepared to see something else. What came out instead of a full body of Our Lord was what looks exactly like Jesus on hay in the body of the image. I never realized the significance of this, just like the others how much God has shed light on the truth of His Word. I've always believed so I had to understand that this was for some other reason entirely.

We are living in a world where Christmas is very commercialized and because of this many people have begun to hate Christmas. It hurts their pocketbook most of all. It brings a time of year that those whose financial means are already tight to look upon the season as one that in one day is questioned. And many do question the long hours of shopping for either an evening or day of present exchanging the why of it. Because of the high volumn of commercialism hatred for this time of year is prevalent in many hearts. My boss has even mentioned it as well, this very hatred. But I don't know the depth of why. One must assume it has to do with all the money we spend for a moment in time.

Yet the truth of what I saw on the Eucharist and what God has shown instead reveals even more the truth of Jesus' birth. And maybe that's why I am writing about it to reveal God's truth so others will see that this time of year is really all about Jesus and his coming into this world. What better gift we can offer the Holy Family on this very joyous occasion is our certainty about the gift God has given to us that wonderful night so long ago. Is part of our celebration going to be one where we will visit a Church and honor the Holy Family with our presence as the Magi and shepherds did. What stops us from going?

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