Today's travels started with a visit to
St. Anne Shrine in Sturbridge, MA where a visit to the gift shop is an added bonus. It also holds a room filled with Icon's that adjoins the shop. The visit started out in the Church with a moment in front of the Tabernacle pictured below.

Next is a visit to the relic of St. Anne with a special for all those who seek healing. Many have been healed coming to this Shrine.

There is a lovely votive Chapel where a candle can be lit to a Saint of your choice.

The Stations of the Cross are a delightful walk in a peaceful setting.

The wooded area allows for moments of wonderful contemplation in the shade of the noonday sun.

A replica of Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto.

The Holy Stairs

A view from the top.

A must visit to the Tabernacle in St. Patricks Chapel

From there my travels landed at Our Lady of Loreto Church in Worcester, MA where a duplicate is built.

The hours were posted on the building but admittance was not available at this time, since the door was locked. It would have been nice to pay a visit.

Another outside view.

My travels landed in New Hampshire in the nice mountains outside of Keene. This a picture on route 32 where the Keene Airport is located.

And finally as I was headed home I spotted crossing a side street a flock of wild turkeys, there were many small young ones. I wasn't exactly parked too well to catch a good shot.

There was point where I took a photo of the clouds with an amazing look to it. But by the time I managed to hang out the car and take a shot of it, it faded. I think most of all I enjoy traveling the back country roads where the trees are abundant and the air sweet smelling. What a dramatic change from the burbs near the cities to way up the mountains. It's like a home away from home. But one can only imagine how much Jesus loved the mountains when he went up one.
4 Words of Wisdom:
What a lovely shrine MC! Thanks for posting on it.
Your welcome!! They did a beautiful job of making it a haven of prayer.
St. Anne's shrine is just beautiful! How lovely the path along the Stations of the Cross too. What a wonderful day you must have had. I really enjoyed these pictures, mc!
I'm glad gabrielle, and the path is truly peaceful.
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