I awoke this morning with music again, but this time it wouldn't go until I located it. I thought it strange this particular song, it's called Dancing Queen. But I did recognize who the group is that sings it and they are called ABBA. This is one time that I understand that it wasn't the words from the song at all, but more with the group name. ABBA is also the name for the Father. When I came to that understanding, I believe my heart smiled. I never cease to be amazed or grateful for what He does for me.
Yesterday, I gave my former boss a cross I had for a long time. The day before he wasn't himself, so I asked if I could give him one. He said, he could use it. So when he came in, I said I had something to say to him. I proceeded to tell him of what happened on Saturday, with my burning of papers and also burning a picture of Jesus and the end result. I told him about what I saw on the Eucharist, the pictures I took as proof and my concerns of the job. This was told under five minutes, so it was a very brief telling. The surviving picture is very powerful testimony and one he needed at the time. He was happy about the cross I gave him.
I know that for a long time I have been watched over by our Lord as he does with everyone. No one is excluded in that regard. When I saw Sister before entering the Chapel, we spoke about a few things. Her community I am looking at also.
Marianne Cope
1 day ago
2 Words of Wisdom:
Are you still with your secular Dominicans, MC?
Perhaps the Religious Sp Dir of the Order could help you with the discernment or locating a community.
Yes I am teresa_anawim2. Possibly, one of our members had mentioned that the Nuns do Sp Dir., she had mentioned this sometime ago. Sunday we have our monthly meeting and I will be able to find out which Sister to contact.
I was thinking about this for quite a while now, and I spoke the other afternoon with a different Sister and Spiritual Directors was mentioned then too. She did say that it may not be a community but something else and then the mention of sp. dir. came up. I didn't get to write too much about that since it was a very strange week, albeit a good one.
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