May 27, 2010

Blessed Mother

I was pondering what I may write when so many things presented themselves in thought. Yet, as I gazed up toward the ceiling I saw small statue on a shelf of our Blessed Mother. This one is Our Lady of LaSalette sitting and holding her head crying. In that moment I was touched profoundly and I began to understand why she appeared crying.

When looking back at the time period she appeared and then now, it's easy to know the depths of her tears. We are in and part of a world that always seeks to receive the gifts of others but fails to share in that giving. Or the numerous ways people fail to love one another by seeking to cause hurt, pain and suffering. Reflecting upon our Blessed Mother and her tears, it wasn't hard to see the many ways we inflict those tears.

Look at how many go to Mass but fail to reconcile themselves by not going to confession. How many receive communion in a state of sin. That alone would cause our blessed Mother to cry. Just imagine how our own mothers react when we say or do something that brings tears to her eyes. That should make us think about the reasoning behind why we are inflicting those tears in the first place and for what purpose.

For me I have a devotion to our Blessed Mother in two ways, one is to Our Lady of LaSalette for reconciliation and the other is to Our Lady of Lourdes for healing, whether it be physical or spiritual. She will always guide us in the right direction when it is sought with our heart.

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