When there are moments of consolations there are also moments of desolations as well. I am grateful for those moments to keep me myself from becoming more than I am. It keeps me ever vigilant in my faith. Those moments when nothing seems to go right or the prayers said seem dry and parched. But staying on course and constant in keeping in dialogue with our Lord can often bring about delightful moments.
I had one today when I was out and came across a former CCD student. Every time I have come across John, he always says hello to me and I always inquire to how he is doing. I've wondered why I haven't seen him in quite awhile where he worked. Well today I found out he has a new job. I'm so happy for him that he is continuing his college education. He made my day by giving me not just one, but two hugs. For me that was quite a consolation and a response to a silent question that was answered.
So I am grateful and filled with gratitude for the many things that come my way by answers to questions or answers to simple prayers. I am also grateful the many times that I have been bereft of anything at all, even dryness in prayer. I find gratitude in many moments throughout the day even when the day doesn't go well. I just continue to pray and that makes all the difference.
With A Little Help From My Friends
7 hours ago
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