Ever wonder what people did way back in the time of Jesus about ailments, tooth aches, childbirth that we have it easy about. To think that most everything today can be fixed by some form of medicine. Not for some that are beyond what we humans can do and only the divine can. We have come such a long way haven't we? We have tablets that take away pain for most type of aches, medicine that help chronic illness and surgeries that can often restore life. We have dentists that yank, fix and mend what they didn't do way back when, unless of course it was yanking of the teeth only. The suffering those poor people underwent. One has to go through it to know the pain, headaches that the jaw suffers from dental work or mending areas.
I have been getting these headaches since my dental work began and that is unusual. That could account for the times when I goof up I suppose. I'm not perfect and those are the times that when things happen I believe the Holy Spirit is at work then and listening to the Spirit can often do wonderful things or it can teach us how to be humble. There are times I do understand and other times I fail miserably. One thing I have learned, not to beat myself up about it but to joke about my human failing. These years living deeply in God's Spirit has taught me much and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
I have to go for another stress test too, this one will be on the treadmill. I don't know when that appointment is yet. It will be good to know how things are going with ticker. These headaches bother me alot, I feel like I'm taking too many ibuprofens to get rid of it, the stabing pain is awful. Is this suppose to happen when waiting for a cap and a temporary is there making the bite off a bit. Say a prayer for me please to get through this little bit suffering as I too offer it up to our Lord. One thing I have often done in my life is try to follow Jesus at these times of trial and place myself as close to his feet as possible. I wonder if that's why when I write I try to tie in the Gospel along with what life dishes out for me and possibly for others I have come in contact with. Maybe not so much the Gospel but about God and faith in his Son and all that they stand for. Healing grace.
Granddaughter's Effort
2 days ago
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