August 22, 2009


The storm last evening knocked out most of our town. So Adoration was done in the dark of the room with only the two candles on each side of the Monstrance for light. We did open the curtains to two small windows as well. It was an evening in quiet contemplation and reflection, with the hum of the security system off and buzzing.

That was my first time having to do Adoration without the amenities of power for light and air conditioning. It was back to basics for an hour of complete silence. The power loss brought to the forefront how long ago this was done before electricity was invented. So much of what we have today we take for granted. We have more than an abundance of luxuries to keep us all comfortable. It's when we are without that we come back to where we originally began. The beginning has merits after all.

2 Words of Wisdom:

Gabrielle said...

It must have been a very beautiful Adoration time. We had a Mass last winter in our church in honour of the Blessed Virgin, by candlelight only, even on the altar. It was one of the most beautiful Masses any of us had ever experienced - it was like being at Mass in the early days of the Church, as our pastor said too.

Bernice said...

I bet that was beautiful!! It somehow brings us closer to God in those moments.The reality that in those moments we are close to the beginning of our Church and how they too were in the light of faith as well as in the light of the candles. Really awesome to think about.

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