This morning just as I was about to do some mowing, the wild roses that are now in bloom smelled so beautiful. The air was warm and allowed for the heady fragance. Every year I keep thinking it's time to cut back much of those lovely picker bushes to help maintain my parents property, but at this time of year they smell great. I think these are the one's that also produce rose hips after they are done flowering.
I've always wondered what people think when they smell fragrant flowers. What crosses their mind when they smell a rose or gardenia or whatever flower that draws their nose to it. What is the first thing that generally comes to mind? Amazingly but this came to mind this morning when I was mowing the lawn and all I could smell was the flowers. That thought entered in and next thing I was thinking of our Heavenly Mothers fragrance. The blend of roses and some other delightful scent that makes such a unique odor. Smelling flowers brings thoughts of what is of heaven. I don't think of the time I received flowers or from whom or for whatever occasion. My thoughts are where they should go. That does not necessarily mean it's to be this way with others. It's just something that is apparent with me and my thinking process.
I was supposed to make lemon chicken for supper, but since there was some leftovers from the other day it will wait until tomorrow. It's so light tasting, I am looking forward to making it and also having asparagus as a side vegetable, maybe with some couscous to go with it or lemon potatoes lol now that would be different. Nope skip that one, my mom had put some lemon in the potatoes one time to keep them from turning before cooking. But she put in way too much lemon and the potatoes were a wee bit lemony. My mom is a wonderful cook, that's why I am a bit on the overweight side and then some. I definitely need a refined diet and much more exercise than I am doing, such as more walking. It's something that should be done no matter what.
On that note I have been attempting to fix my side bar photo problem. Originally I had used google to upload photos but for some reason I had a problem with it. And then I did flicker and I had some problems with it as well. Tonight I was able to go through my photos and remove extras and some that I don't use, hoping it would free up disk space if that is one of the problems. I didn't get a chance to do much with it today other than try to change templates and re upload meez, that I get a kick out of. It was a busy day, with mowing, laundry, going to work for a few hours, off to get some prescriptions then finally relax. During it all there is always moments when spending time with our Lord comes through, and thoughts are always centered and focused.
Silly Ditty
1 day ago
6 Words of Wisdom:
Hey MC, if you like cooking and trying our recipes, take a look at Esther's revived blog.
I regularly visit the main blog Cath Mom in Hawaii and she has some really nice things each day of interest to us or no kids! LOL
teresa thanks for the link to a new blog, I most definitely will pop on over and see.
Thanks for stopping by my blog MC!
Glad I found yours too. BTW, my mom taught us not to smell the roses we cut for the Blessed Mother. They are for her alone to smell them.
Smelling flowers, especially the roses or plumeria in Hawaii always fills me with happiness.
I am subscribing to your feed right now.
God bless,
PS: Thanks Teresa!!
Your welcome Esther!! I like what your Mom said about smelling the Roses, that's beautiful. Your Mom must have a very deep and wonderful love for Our Blessed Mother.
God bless!!
I can add you to my list too. :-)
Yes, my mom has a deep love for our Blessed Mother. BTW, thank you.
Your welcome Esther!! Her love passed on to you as well:-) and that is beautiful.
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