Four specific people have been instrumental to my life, my parents, an older brother, a younger sister and one outsider who helped in where I am now working. These people I owe my gratitude and so very much more for standing by me when I needed them the most. I keep them in my prayers as they have watched me grow in faith. They counseled me when I hurt, they held me when I cried from the depths of my soul, but most of all they shared in something very beautiful, all the moments that God has touched my life. They have been the first recipients to know of it all first hand. They have most of all shared in the joy of God's great love. They listened when I spoke of the night when I was touched profoundly by God's Spirit. They heard all the times I would ask them do you see what I saw. They too have come to find a renewed strength in faith as much as I have.
Those flowers that have been planted are also for my parents, for the many times they brought me through moments when I felt alone and abandoned by those of faith. They listened to my struggles and yes for all that God has seen me through, he gave me these special people to continue to guide me. Those flowers are for them to sit and enjoy in their twilight years. This gesture of love is not only for God but for them to let them know I appreciate and love them as well. They are the reason why I have such a deep love for God, their example has taught me what love is all about. The flowers are for them and for God. He gave them to me, kinda like St. Joseph was to Jesus given to him. He guided Jesus, it's amazing when faith is kindled in our lives how much we appreciate the gift of genuine love.
Definition of a Martyr
2 days ago
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