September 17, 2007


It was a long day yesterday, it was Catechetical Sunday as well as the day for us to make first Profession. What an awesome day to make a promise to follow the rule of St. Dominic for three years as a lay person. It was an awesome moment to say the words that made me a sister in St. Dominic. And God is so good.

Writing is a bit sparse with trying to get my agenda going and then with other stuff going on, it's like where is the time all going. But this morning I have a few minutes to write a bit. God's gifts to us are tremendous ones and I treasure them with all my heart. I was surprised yesterday to see my two cousin's at Mass. They made my day sharing in the joy of my heart along with my mom and dad.

The others in the class that also made Profession are blessed. They are truly a wonderful group of people. Next weekend we will be making a retreat. One I haven't done in a very long time. Last year, I couldn't go so I made a silent one at home and stayed off the computer for a week rather than a weekend. I look forward to this one, I had to tease one person about it being silent and taking a walk on the beach and that is where we could talk, little do they know even there it will be silent. Taking a walk on the beach doesn't won't change the rules. Anyway, tonight is the first night for CCD to start. I pray it all will go well. I pray for all those who are teaching the children this year, that they may share their faith with the kids.

2 Words of Wisdom:

Anonymous said...

mc, I am so, so happy for you. Congratulations and blessings on your first Profession. You've been waiting a long time for this day to finally arrive.

If I'm not back here before you leave, I wish you a glorious retreat.

Bernice said...

Thank you gabrielle, it certainly was a long time in coming, but a wonderful one at that. And as for the retreat, that is at the end of the month, and my thoughts were far in advance in thinking it was this coming weekend. I guess I am anxious to go. I don't know why I thought it was this weekend. So I have one more week to get ready.

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