December 16, 2009

Who Adopted Who

This young dog was brought over the other day to see if he could be placed with us as part of matching animals with families, he is a rescue dog. My sister had a brilliant idea that we needed another dog so they brought one over when I wasn't there, that one seemed more interested in my niece than anything, I was told. Then a lady brought this one over tuesday evening, I've never seen a dog do what he did before. First thing he did was go into each room and check it out and that included the basement too.

He totally disregarded my mom and dad as we tried to interact with him. Mind you, I was already set on not falling for this dog. I'm not a fan of Pugs, but it seems God has a sense of humor because that dog followed me around. Chased a toy when I threw it and took food only from my hand. Tuesday evening, while he was laying down in his open crate I was on the computer. On a program I was working on, more or less playing a game on facebook, the oddest thing happened just after thinking how God works when an ad popped up, oddest thing I never clicked on it. It was an ad for a Trinity ring, in that moment it's safe to say that he reinforced that the dog was meant for me because I never would have chosen this type of dog. I love terriers.

Anyway, from so much that has gone on in recent years I don't look upon that ad as a coincidence but rather His reinforcement of what He does for me and my recognition of it, and I thanked Him for His divine care.

3 Words of Wisdom:

Marie Cecile said...


His face is black but the rest of his body is a tan with patches of black on his legs. I didn't think of him being a Christmas present, now that is a nice indeed.

Jackie Parkes MJ said...

We have a new puppy! Toby..8 week old black labrador..

Marie Cecile said...

He's so cute Jackie, I like the name Toby!!

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