June 11, 2009


It's always a pleasure to know another person who experiences the graces from God. I had a conversation last night with a woman who has also seen Jesus' face in the Eucharist. Both of us related our own experiences of the gifts of God. What a blessing and a consolation as well!

Lately I have been experiencing some chest pains that has signaled a need for rest. After having gone through so much already in my life I have learned to go off to that alone place to bring healing and balance back to a body that encounters much stress on a daily basis. What better place to go than to the healer himself, Jesus the life of us all. He is a mountain of mountains, a refuge. When I met a man on Monday evening at our prayer Cenacle and found out his illness and the peace he has, when at a young age, he too, has been given a cross to carry. I knew I needed to go to the top of the mountain and pray, not for myself but for others who show courage and faith among lifes uncertainties. This young man had to stop working because he has MS. He has a wife and a child to care for as well. That night, even though I have been having health issues, it brought home more clearly the need to care for myself. I learned one thing about how precious it all is, but many will not understand how important it is or how truly important faith and love of God is either. For once in my life I have come to learn to also care about me as much as I have placed others care before my own. A blessing for sure even if it comes this late in life.

The lady I also spoke with has a cross of her own as well. God has given her strength to get through the obstacles as much as he has with the young man.

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