January 02, 2009

Prayer For Priests (to Mary)

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O Blessed Lady of the Tears,
we entrust and consecrate the priesthood
to your Immaculate Heart!
During this time of trial and suffering,
we pray that you renew the priesthood
by making priests holy
in imitation of the Heart of the Good Shepherd.
We pray in reparation for the sins of the priesthood
and we pray for all victims of their sins.
Grant, O Lady of the Tears,
an outpouring of the Holy Spirit
on the priests that they may be authentic witnesses
of your Son Jesus Christ Our Lord.
May we wipe away your tears
by comforting your Immaculate Heart
by praying the rosary and
adoring the Heart of Jesus your Son
in the Most Holy Eucharist present
in every Catholic Church in the world.
Give all priests and seminarians a deep love
and devotion to Jesus in the Eucharist and to you,
their loving Mother. Grant that every priest and seminarian
will daily spend one hour with Jesus in the Eucharist
and daily pray your most holy rosary!
Grant all priests and seminarians the gift of purity,
the gift of chastity
and the gift of the divine love of your Son.
May they proclaim the truth without fear,
with love and with courage!
We ask all of our prayers through the Tears
which you shed at the foot of the cross
of Jesus Christ your Son who lives and reigns
with the Father and the Holy Spirit!


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