November 05, 2008


I have a really nice doctor, he called me last night to give me some bit of news regarding my recent tests. It seems there is a spot, not to worry but if I experience any more of what I did then I am to contact him immediately. Now that's concern for the welfare of a patient. And today I finally received an appointment to go for an MRI for my knee. Activities have been on hold for a bit. Except yesterday I painted both sheds and paid dearly last night. Ibuprofen helped tremendously to keep any inflammation down. It felt good to accomplish and make things look better than they did before.

I can imagine how Jesus felt in the time he did much healing and restoring of life. Knowing that it made a difference for others and how it comes together. A coat of paint made something old look new and restored yet underneath it's age is apparent. Faith in that regard always needs to be kept up, just like the buildings we reside in and our bodies as well. Maintenance will keep our health and maintenance will keep our buildings from falling apart. We take such extra care for our surroundings but often overlook the most important of all, our interior building, the soul itself.

The other day I had the opportunity to speak to someone who mentioned prayer and that delighted my heart out of all the news of the day. It was the fact that they mentioned praying for others in their care. The very power of prayer can do so much for each of us. But many will never say a prayer with the thought that they really don't need it and in that regard will not say one for another either. Prayer restores balance, brings healing and most especially brings peace. There isn't much that I can say that would make an impact for anyone, other than what I have experienced myself.

Even when I experience the precious scent or other form of God's love, it will not make others believe in God. All I can do is reveal those moments to say yes, he is very much alive and present in my life and if anyone would like to have that close relationship with him, then all they need to do is open their hearts up to him. I remember a time when I too would read beautiful stories of conversion and felt touched by how wonderful God worked in other peoples lives. Never envious because he touches us all individually in unique ways. What I experience, others may not and they may have a truly beautiful blessing to relate and that is what counts.

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