January 10, 2008

A Beautiful Morning

How wonderful it was to wake and thank God for waking me since I failed to set my alarm. A day that was set to be one of thankfulness. I went to work as usual, greeted the others and set out to do the job. As I set up my work area and took the last two units to be cleaned and dried so it could be sent to a heat room and from there to the technicians who put the unit back together. Well anyway, my first unit of the day happened to have some loose change in it, it was about $1.75. I didn't count it but glanced at it and put it in a bag so it was a guess by the amount of quarters. We are able to keep the loose change we find so this is always exciting when we find some. But this morning was different, I felt the need to give it to my Boss. I felt so prompted to give it to him that when it got stronger I did it. When he came by I handed it to him and said I hope this will bring a smile to your face.

He thanked me and proceeded to tell me how he was so bummed out yesterday from a problem, but when he left to go get his son, who he doesn't get to pick up that often from school. He said they stopped for gas and a lady in front of him only had like three dollars on her card to pay for gas. She happened to be on the other side of him at the gas station too. So he purchased I believe he said was $20.00 dollars. When he went outside to pump his gas the lady on the other side was sad. He went back in and put the remaining money he had on him which was five dollars for the pump that the lady had. He said he felt so good doing what he did. The lady said he was an angel and thanked him.

I understood after his story what God did with me for him. This morning he had no money on him but a little bit of change, not enough for a coffee or a soda. I don't have much myself but you know something I did God's Will and gave to him what was asked of me without thought to myself. That brought His Word ever more alive in my life. How He takes care of us through others and so forth. One of the girls I am training, which isn't my job as a temp, asked me what he said and I explained how God and the Holy Spirit just worked through me and him. You know something, but that made my day and I gave him a hug for what he did for another and the fact that he felt good doing it. That is powerful testimony of God's love at work. Beautiful isn't it.

I failed to mention that I told him whatever I find it's his for the day, I only ended up with a quarter but I kept my word and gave it to him anyway.

6 Words of Wisdom:

teresa_anawim2 said...

Letting our light shine before men that they may see God.
Thanks for this encouraging account, MC.

Anonymous said...

It is so amazing that the Lord observes even the smallest of offerings or service we are prompted to do. Sometimes, like in this case, we are allowed to catch a glimpse of what He is doing with the offering, or trying to communicate through it, but many times, we may never know.

Bernice said...

your welcome teresa_anawim2

Bernice said...

gabrielle, only God knows the answer to that one.

Anonymous said...

Hi MC, this is truly a post about a beautiful morning. If only we all heeded the Lord's promptings like this, I think the world would certainly be a better place!

Marie Cecile said...

HI Pia, most likely the world would be as you said a better place. Prayer is a good place to start.

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