November 25, 2007


This has to be the second time waking up to a blessing. I thank you Dear Father for the blessing of the home and all of us in it. Our prayers ascend to heaven to be heard by you. How you bless us with your love. You have looked kindly upon us and given us a treasure of the heart. Your blessing means so much to me.

It is the daily trials and burdens that we come to see how much our life is blessed. Just like it is when we do your will and do what is asked of us. The promptings of the Holy Spirit often takes us on journeys that lead to a place of beauty. Where paths are crossed and silent words are spoken in the depths of the heart. Where the presence of God is felt among His children.

I am listening to the song Breath of Heaven right now and I remember the first time I ever heard it, I cried. It's a beautiful song that touches my heart deeply. It reminds me of the blessing I received and how I too sometimes feel all alone in this chosen place as Mary did when our Lord chose her to be the mother of Jesus. If there is one song that sums up what I feel this one is it and it is like a prayer, a beautiful one too. Our Blessed Mother is right there with us too, her love is great.

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