October 30, 2007

Retreat 2nd Part of Refreshes

During the retreat I was awoken with the beginning verse to the Liturgy of Hours, "God, come to my assistance." An unusual way to wake up for sure. It did make the day a prayerful one. What was nice was the people who were there, I felt very welcome there. I know at one point during the day there came a time when I had this odd thing come to me. It was about having been there before and hearing and seeing the same thing, yet this was the first time I have been there. God does show us when we are on the right path or let's us know that we are right where we are supposed to be. Have I seen this in my sleep and given glimpses, I don't know. What was a good thing was a woman relating a song from the Sister Act, and I don't remember which one, but one morning a tune and words where sung as if from a recording. I went in search for it and finally found it. But I don't recall this being the song the woman told me the day before. I do recall her mentioning that the song was changed or words changed, and as I was looking I found not one but a few had been changed in that movie. Anyway the song is called "I Will Follow Him" and that one gave me goosebumps.

It was quite a remarkable last day also, since I was telling one of the ladies how her testimony touched me and from there I mentioned I would have done one myself but how do I relate one with the Eucharist and we talked and I mentioned I had my pictures in the car. So from there, they were shown to some of the retreatants at breakfast. It was a powerful day, since it was also Sunday. My heart was touched deeply throughout the retreat, with the many reflections we were to ponder over also. And in those brief moments of being alone to ponder, I was also able to do the Liturgy of Hours. It all seemed to work out quite well. Father Pat is a wonderful Retreat Master and his faith and love in God is evident in how well he brought us ever closer to God's love. I am thankful and deeply grateful that God moves so powerfully for us to be guided by one of His chosen. It's a blessing! I can't compare either retreats as I benefited from both in different ways. One thing that touches me is knowing that He is right there beside me. That alone is an awesome thought. God is so good to us.

1 Words of Wisdom:

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