August 06, 2007


Went and did some veggie picking and had a surprise. I looked over at where I planted celery and thought something was not quite right. There was a few plants missing and I thought, they aren't ready to be picked so I went over to look and when I looked down I saw the green tops on the mound of dirt as if wilted. So when I picked it up it was not attached to the plant. On top of it two other ones are missing with the peak of the tops on the ground. More or less the celery disappeared underground to be eaten by a vole, a veggie mole. At least I think it might me a vole, could have been a chipmunk too. There are enough mole trails around also.

It was funny because I couldn't help but remember a cartoon and carrots disappearing. To have eaten three of them, it is one hungry underground animal. And it's my first time growing celery too. They say to plant more than you need so that it may also feed the animals that pop in and feast.

I have been having quite a time picking pole beans, first time with them too. The leaves keep sticking to my clothes. Had a foot long part stick and get cut off from the plant with flowers on it. Butternut squash is coming along nicely. Never did get to plant turnip. Lost my acorn squash plants and a few yellow squash. Only had two mounds of acorn squash so it wasn't so devastating. The pickling cukes did good for a while and fizzled, but they look like they are making a come back. I think I have over watered them. The tomatoes are doing good, should be able to can a few jars. All in all, the garden wasn't planned out or prepped. It was done in a matter of two weeks at the start. So there is no complaint with the bounty of the plants. This is one true organic garden that's for sure. Just as original creation intended.

It's called back to the beginning where it all began, before pesticides and fertilizers took hold on us. The tomatoes are not staked, the pole beans are on tree branches. If I have the opportunity to do so again next year, I will know enough to prepare the soil first, by making sure there are no weeds and grass clumps like this year. That's why it is easy to understand the parable of the weeds. When we don't take care to keep ourselves free from sin, how preparing ourselves too has a part in it. I think it has a lot to do in how we look at it. And each one of us sees things differently, one sentence could say just one thing but to ten people it could say ten different meanings. If we put our minds like Christ, then we think like him.

4 Words of Wisdom:

Anonymous said...

"If we put our minds like Christ, then we think like him."

WOW! That is so true.....

I have started a little garden myself. It is not a vegetable garden but a flower garden. I watered it today and saw that the rose bushes have little buds on them. That made me feel SO good.

Wishing you well on your gardening endeavour, keep us updated:).

Peace and Blessings to you Marie C


Bernice said...

I bet your flower garden is very beautiful and roses too. It's nice to see what we planted grow and blossom. Those are some of the nicest gifts that God can give us.

Thank you for the sentiment also. God bless you Marie.

Anonymous said...

I gave up on planting veges. The nocturnal critters have a ball while I sleep.
They pick the tomatoes off the vine, take a big bit and drop it on the ground, racing for another to sample.

Once I grew this lovely squash and watched it every day. I thought, "Just one more day, and it'll be ready". Well, wouldn't you know the next day thee it lay in the middle of the lawn with a big bite mark?" I'll leave the growing up to others, now.

Bernice said...

Teresa_anawim I'm sorry you had those experiences. I'm getting some too. The critter struck again.

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