August 17, 2007

An Angel in Disguise

There is a young lady at work who has taken it upon herself to protect me from those who wish to abuse me. She is wonderful because she is teaching me about how to take care of the wolves in the work force. Since I see people as people and not in the way of ethnic or anything else. But for me it is a true God send that there is one person who is this way. I never thought I would ever come across anyone who would do this and for some reason I feel as if a prayer was answered in a most unusual way.

My brother was over yesterday and we looked at the garden, it was his rototiller that I borrowed to start it off. Well anyway he told me what was wrong with it and what I should do for next years. Since it was hastily put together and the grass wasn't cleaned out of the tilled soil it took root and over ran the garden. I had a hard time keeping up with the weeding even though paper was down, it wasn't good enough. And I slacked off on my part by not being vigilant every day and weeding too. The rain and humidity stopped me at times from tackling it. My fault. Instead of a high yielding garden it was mediocre, enough to supply every other day with a few items from the garden. Considering we used to have gardens long ago too.

I did receive my application acceptance to make my temporary promise in September. A continuation as a Novice in the lay community of Dominicans. One should never assume that all would be well until the process goes through. It must be the same way when a person is in the Carmelites, or Franciscan laity. I think there is a Benedictine one too. A silent retreat is coming up also and it will be a first in a very long time. I haven't done a retreat since I was a kid. There was a few occasions but financial hardship made it impossible to go. It almost didn't happen again this year, but through the grace of God as the time neared to pay, I lost my employment and had the last paycheck to make a down payment, but was able to get some help with the rest. Now with a steady pay it will help in taking care of personal matters. I am thankful for the work and the people I work with.

And on that note I am thankful for the vegetables, for the people in my life, for God being the first and most important part of my life. Without him life wouldn't be the same.

2 Words of Wisdom:

Anonymous said...

You know when hard times come and they DO come to each of us at different levels I really dont know how people who have no belief sytem cope.

Even when all looks hopeless God gives us the strength to not only cope but be strengthened by adversity.

I am more thankful for the adverse times in my life than the 'good times'...It truly IS in the valley's that one grows spiritually stronger.

Love this blog TY MC.


Marie Cecile said...

Your welcome Marie, but it is I who thanks you for your insightful comments, for they give me another way of seeing things. And that is a blessing in itself.

God bless


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