December 25, 2006

Reach out

Yesterday morning I had gone to Mass. The decorations in the Church this year are beautiful. But I am always amazed by the power of the Holy Spirit. After receiving communion while reflecting, I had the desire to reach out and touch someone. I felt this again, but somehow knew who I was to touch. so I did, I reached out to touch the Lady in front of me. I did God's will then, by the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

This I am finding has happened a few times, without my realizing it is God's will and my obedience. I am discovering that he will continue to manifest an idea or thought until it is taken care of. Like yesterday, I kept getting this thought to reach out and touch, once I did, the thought goes away and is replaced with thankful thoughts.

What I found odd was the Lady had thanked me for the burst of energy she was given. I never felt a thing. All I know is I did God's will when it was asked of me. And I relayed that to the person. After all everything is from God, not from me.

I am thankful that he has done these things a few times after I have received communion. His grace in those moments are the most wonderful to have.

This was the highlight of my morning, the rest of the day was spent making tiny meatballs. I am also finding out my Dad is not doing as well as he should. When he does some physical things, it affects him so much. He has gotten so thin in the last few years. He had a phone call yesterday about his only surviving Aunt in Canada. He was told she is dying. It seems there is not always pleasant news, but others are going through the same when they witness their loved one's decline in health. All I can do is pray for them. And offer their suffering to God, in hopes that he would restore to them their health. In my family I have witness through the years the ups and downs of health between my parents. We all used to say when one got sick and had to have surgery, the other would soon have one too just to keep up with the other.

We all will die someday, it is with hope that when we do it is with a clean heart. Where we will be with the Light of the World.

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