October 10, 2006


Usually around this time of year I would be going North to the mountains to see the beautiful colors, and paying a visit to the beloved Shrine of LaSalette. I will miss doing it this year. We could have gone there yesterday, but instead we somehow went to the National Shrine of the North American Martyrs in upstate New York. It was a nice two hour drive. The fall foilage was not quite there. On the way up in one area it looked like it was done. So this year it depends on the area.

My parents came with me and we made a day of it. From that Shrine wwe went to another not far away to the one for Blessed Kateri. My parents had a great time and so did I.

I was pondering something too, that was said to me at the wedding. I related what happened to me and the experiencing of our Lord to my cousin's wife, she made a comment about going out and sharing it with others, since I was so good with people. I was stunned, this was the first time anyone ever said I was good with people, I always thought I was reserved. Now I understand how truly blind we are to ourselves. Anyway, they don't think I belong in a cloister, something about having way too much life in me. This is from people who have faith too. Each person has their own opinion I suppose.

In this area I will let God be my guiding force and not my opinion or others. It is after all his will I seek. That seems odd though because it seems to be coming up a lot, and like anything else God will reveal what he wants in his time and not mine.

Now, would it be okay if I whine just a little bit, could you please take the bees from my living quarters, thank you so much for listening to me whine for the umpteenth time, as I smile writing this. I couldn't resist. I'm getting my target practice in, getting good at swinging the fly swatter. Well I have to get going, hope to write more latter.

2 Words of Wisdom:

Gabrielle said...

Marie Cecile, the fall colours were really variable up here this year too. We drove around this past weekend to see them, and in one area nothing may have turned, while half-an-hour away it was gorgeous, and half-an-hour in a different direction all the leaves had already fallen off the trees!

Re the bees, I was wondering if maybe you could put out a cup with some water and a sweet syrup, like corn syrup or something, and if the bees are attracted to it, maybe you'll be able to see where they're coming out from, and then have the hive taken care of by a professional. I'd certainly be a nervous wreck under those conditions!

Marie Cecile said...


I noticed that too around here, how some are just starting and boy are they pretty. I think it is just a tad late this year.

And the bees, if I did that I would not end up getting rid of them but feeding them. We are trying to find the right spot in the ceiling to crack open. We have the edge open where they originally came from outside, but where in the ceiling the nest is is the next step.

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