September 03, 2006

Some Fun

Didn't accomplish much today except spend it with my family. It was my mom's birthday today, so we had some company, and we learned a new card game. It was quite fun being with a group and playing a new game. There was one brief moment I felt bad, when I accidently said s@#*, in front of a priest to boot. Then I was reminding myself about today's reading and what comes out of us, in that moment of regret I realized how it really is important to guard what comes from our mouths.

I have noticed that I slip up every now and then, to my utter shame. But then I have to understand that in those moments I am learning the value of God's teaching.

There was something I did notice in the background, as the television was on. There was a program playing that almost in every sentence the name of Jesus was said. Not in reference to him, but as a way of swearing. Then I thought as we were playing cards, how much Jesus must be offended by us, myself included for using a meager word but may also be offensive to him too. Out of it all, that was my one transgression. What can I say, this is the choice I made, to live my life in a way that is not offensive to God, but pleasing to him.

Right now I am listening to some songs from Weston Priory that are soothing, this one has one of my favorites on there, the song Hosea. I know I mentioned it before, but this group and John Michael Talbot do a great job singing it, it is one I can listen to endlessly without tiring from it. And I did manage to get the lyrics from the Church songbooks. Anyway it still ended up a good day. Happy Birthday Mom.

1 Words of Wisdom:

Bernice said...

How true, we had many a Priest visit when my grandparents were alive, and they could tell some whoppers for sure.

I'm surprised you could read this one today, I reread it and I almost fell on the floor, there were so many illogical typos I don't think it made sense too much. But I did fix them. That should tell me never to write when I'm tired. :-)

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