August 28, 2006

A New World

Yeah, two more weeks left of actual class time. But then it's off to do a job without pay as part of lab time. today seems to be money discussion day. That's something I do not have at the moment to give away. My account is almost gone, and I still will not ask for any help.But people ask it from me and I suppose I could give a dollar, without being in jeopardy. But that seems so cheap for some to just give a dollar. But when no money comes in, a dollar is your life.

So I am on the end that many are on and suffer from, but I will not seek it as I might have once done, because I know all too soon how it can disappear in a blink of an eye. Like jobs how they can be there and then gone.A lifetime of savings wiped out in no time at all. And in this changing world many who had, now are either starting over or on the street doing something altogether not good just to survive.

I happen to be one of those whose family helps each other out. My mom and dad have bailed out us kids more than a few times. It seems to be my turn, but thankfully I live with them, and have a roof over my head. Why did this come about anyway. Well, I received an email for prayer for a person who is in a ministry and is dying. So I sent a note to them giving my prayer. But tonight I received one asking for financial help also. I sit here stunned, it's like a blow to the solar plexus. Thank you dear Father for reminding me that prayer is free and doing your work is the same. I can't afford all the upkeep your children want. Sorry for the little jest. One thing I'm glad, nobody really reads this. So dear God, today I'm thankful I have you in my heart. Your my salvation. Maybe someday the world will realize we could have it all, without money to fill our pockets. Imagine a world that we all share in the work for nothing. How amazing a place that would be. Now that I think about it, the real evil will then have been defeated.

3 Words of Wisdom:

Bernice said...


Thank you for your kind words, and it is I who would be honored to be on your site. My writing is not too personal to share, this is part of what I believe God is asking of me to do, and everyone else who write's. It is to witness His love for each one of us in our unique way.

Anonymous said...

:-) Hi Marie Cecile.. I'll be peeking in, too.

Marie Cecile said...


Hi, come on in and visit anytime. :)

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