August 06, 2006

Am I Prepared

The last few days have been quiet one's. At least they have been for me. They have been reflective ones. Then on top of it as I read the Gospel each day, I saw the same one not long ago and wrote reflections on them. I felt as if the readings were going in circles, same ones over and over. This is why I stopped to reflect. That, and looking to where I am headed.

In September, I finish school, and I also take my first vows as a Third Order Dominican. I will be going to the next stage in my vocation, one as a Novice. I received a letter along with the others in my Postulant class, that we have been accepted. September is going to be a busy and joyous month. Except for the one reminder of a time when disaster marred the month.

I didn't think I would be accepted since I have no income to contribute. But God does have a way of saying yes to us at times when even I think he will say no. So it is a lesson in humble pie. I guess I want to be holy after all. I try so hard at following God that I overlook some things in life that need to be tended. And that is the relationships we foster everyday with those we associate with.

There is something about discovering how God is working in our life, that we forget about those around us. It's isn't done on purpose, it is in learning and discovering what he wanted me to see and know. As some will say, it was just done for me, not to be shared. But that is what he wants done, it is in sharing what he has given, so others too may find Him.

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