July 02, 2006

Just some ramblings today.

I just about thought I saw everything, until I saw Ollie hold onto an ice cube, and chomp on it. I couldn't get it away from him, he held it so tight. By now my fingers would be frozen, and this bird is brave. Wow he really will not let go. That goes to show you, when you have a good thing don't let go of it. And that would mean God, when you have him, don't ever let go. He's the best catch anyone could ever get.

Speaking of catch, Ollie is on my shoulder, and lately he has also gotten into the habit of taking my glasses off. There are times he will not touch them, and at other times, he's determined to have them off, like today. Smart bird, that one. I can see without them, unusual too. Most of the time I need them to read the screen. Okay, so that is why I make typos so much, They are actually blurring my vision than helping. That's a good one, whoever said I had any humor. I'm writing to myself for myself. In a good way, this is a daily journal, which a few times i've missed. Those were the days I kept silence. Not always easy either. Actually I had nothing to write.

Today I had a delightful day, as I did yesterday. Mass this morning, then some odd stuff to finish up, then my hour at chapel. Always a good day then. God is so good. I did the rosary meditations from the bible today. It was quite nice to do it this way. Our Blessed Mother is always there for us too. She loves us all so very much.

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