June 01, 2006

A Passing

It's too bad the Church that is being torn down couldn't have been moved to another location, mended in the process. It's funny how when we truly want something to be kept safe, ways are found to keep it. I have read how people moved their homes to other locations. Now I wonder why don't we do that with Churches. The older buildings have beautiful architecture, stained glass windows, that modern day lacks. The buildings of today are sterile. Just looking at the many buildings of old, the designs, the work that went into them. It's from an era that cared for beauty. How things seem to pass away.

I used to go by the Church on and off just to see it, unable to go inside, because of locked doors. It was also memories of a full Church, that we don't often see today. The reverence of Mass is sometimes lost too. This is the past and what will no longer be. The future doesn't look too bright either. We are not only getting sterile buildings but we too are becoming sterile. We are looking more and more lifeless as the buildings we build.

Oh Lord, help us to have life, lived in you. Where we will always be grateful to be with you. Jesus, I follow you with my life but mostly I give you my love. I come to you Jesus, in my heart for a renewal of the world.

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