June 02, 2006

It's a Pity

Dear God, I am always amazed at the people I go to school with. What makes mature adults play foolish games? We have the gift of heat and air conditioning, where other countries do not have it. What we have are people who put the heat on in the heat, making more heat. I can only shake my head, wipe my brow, and pray some sense enters these people. I see people who live to cause mischief all the while smiling. Is this the way of the world Lord. It's not a practical joke they play, it happens too many times. Oh dear God, grant me strength to endure. I never in all my life seen people go to such lengths to make others suffer, and call themselves Christians in the process. Have we turned our backs on you that much Lord. It's sad too, because people generally are good. Then I wonder who are they truly out to hurt. Since we are all made in God's image then first and foremost they hurt you Lord. Their neighbor second, and themselves third. This is a small handful of people, imagine more doing so much worse. And it happens daily in the world. Killings, debauchery, you name it, it happens. We need rescuing, faster than we think. Come Lord Jesus, replenish the world from itself. Dear Father I pray for love to encompass the world in such a way there is no doubt who you are. May life spring forth from your eternal flame.

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